Most households have pets, therefore, accidents such as cat and dog urine, faeces and vomit are all to be expected at one time or another.

If you encounter one of these situations, it is best left to the professionals. Stain removal is our specialty, so book an appointment with Diamond Stream Cleaning today. Our eco-friendly cleaning products combined with our powerful hot water extraction system gets to the depth of contaminated surfaces, eradicating stains and odours.

If left untreated pet urine may not only penetrate the carpet on a superficial level, but into the underlay and flooring material below. The longer an incident goes untreated the more likely pet urine is to penetrate deeper into the floor. As the urine dries and evaporates, the urine crystals become more concentrated and pungent. Superficial cleaning will not remove this odour. Diamond Steam Cleaning offers a vigorous and effective cleaning solution and peace of mind.

If accidents are left untreated, this often leads to repeat behaviour from our pets until the odour is properly eliminated. This is where our team of professionals can help!

We have the equipment and know-how to ensure the best results for your carpet and upholstery. Our high calibre pet stain removal products can neutralise the toughest urine and pet odours and provide powerful anti-microbial action, while being safe on all fibres and fabrics.

Steam cleaning is more vigorous in comparison to dry cleaning, as it penetrates deeper and makes use of less cleaning solvents making it the healthier option for your family and pets. Our professional steam cleaning treatment will eliminate stains, bacteria and remove pungent odours, ensuring that your carpets and upholstery remain safe and hygienic for the rest of the family, leaving you more time to enjoy your pets!

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